These are the core values that guide us at Liteclouds and sets us apart from the competition.

Do the right thing, not the wrong thing right: The right solution can be challenging to find and to implement, where oftentimes the wrong solution is implemented ‘as well as possible’. Don’t do that.

Do the little things well: Success is the result of doing the little things well, consistently.

To know, but not to do, is not to know: To know Salesforce best practices, but not to utilize them on a daily basis, is not to know Salesforce best practices.

The solution is 90% of the value, where coding follows: Perfect code cannot turn a poor solution into a good one. Vice versa, a great solution only requires good enough code to work. We are not promoting bad code. Quite contrary, we use coding standards to ensure the code portion is high quality as well.

Resourcefulness equals Performance: In a multi-tenant environment, implementing solutions with resourcefulness in mind, over time, results in Performance.

Simple and LiteWeight: Each new piece of functionality comes at a cost. Over time, this results in complex systems that are expensive to maintain, eventually leading to (technical debt) bankruptcy. To avoid this trajectory, keep things ‘Lite’ where less is more. Solve a problem with minimal (custom) functionality. If the problem persists, do another iteration.

Elegant Robustness vs. Complex Fragility: Complex solutions are not only expensive, but also fragile. Elegant solutions are seldom easy, but they could be simple. Keep your salesforce instance simple, elegant and robust.